About Enk~

Enkemeniel (or Enk) is the author of this blog.


About Enk:

Apart from being slightly odd (who isn’t?), Enk is perfectly harmless…. Often falling prey to merchandising from various animes/manga/movies/tvshows, Enk has quite the collection of knicknacks littered around her room here in the UK and back home in Malaysia.

Enk is also the owner/creator/designer/allroundGod of Dreams and Visions, where some of her work is showcased. For those interested in going for a peep, please be patient when waiting for the page to load.

Enk’s drawings/sketches/doodles are also compiled here in Dreams and Visions phase 2. The site is still under construction at the moment.

Enk does realise that refering to herself as a third person, as well as giving imaginary personalities to things, is a sure sign of mental instablity. However, in her defense, doing so makes things more interesting…. no?

About Yet another day in an insane mind:

This is the continuation from Another Day in an Insane Mind located in Friendster. [edit: which sadly does not work anymore since Friendster’s demise]

This blog is just a virtual form of Enk’s thoughts and musings, and does not have any other purpose other than having some fun and (hopefully) occasionally provoking a grin or chuckle from readers.

Comments are very welcomed, but flames and nasty barbs will be ignored.

Cheers, and happy reading!

8 thoughts on “About Enk~”

    1. Hi there! Glad to see you over here! I’ll be spending more time in your blog as well! It’s fantastic finding more girls doing martial arts! 😀

  1. Nice site. Could you please tell me where you got your sphere mold? I cannot seem to find that particular one…I like the way yours looks over the other ones. Would like to try this recipe…looks very intersting. Thank you so much. ~Tricia

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